Jesus taught his disciples to pray and showed them by his own example that they were to pray often. It is through prayer more than anything else that we acquire the mind, heart and hands of Christ. In addition to the celebration of the Eucharist, the Mass, our parish provides times for people to come together and pray the Rosary, to pray in Small Faith Sharing Groups and to spend time with Christ in Adoration.
If you have a special request, please submit it through our Prayer Request page.
Currently, one Rosary Group prays the Rosary on the first of the month after the 10:00am Mass in the Church.
The Rosary Groups also provides ministers to lead a funeral rosary service, recalling the death and resurrection of Christ in the Glorious Mysteries. Usually, the rosary is prayed on the evening preceding the funeral at the funeral home chapel.
These small groups meet in homes or designated areas weekly to pray and reflect on scripture and its application to daily life. They have been well received for promoting an atmosphere of caring Christian community.
For more information, contact Jodie Clark (contact information below).
The Prayer Line is a group of people who are connected by email and have committed to praying for the special needs and intentions that are received through prayer requests received from others. Prayer requests are kept confidential and each request is for a period from two weeks to as long as the individual needs the prayers. If you feel called to pray for others or have someone you would like to add to the Prayer Line, please call 253-564-5185 ext. 3011 or email
To add a sick or recently deceased loved one to the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass please contact Cathy Lamet (contact information below).
To respect privacy and the wishes of the deceased family we ask that names be added only by immediate family members for public prayer.
Mass intentions can be scheduled through the parish office. Please note they are often reserved four to six months in advance and can be changed with a few days notice as funeral Masses take precedence over intentions. Names can also be added to the monthly Mass of the Faithful Departed.