St. Charles Borromeo Parish and School exist to bring Jesus’s message of salvation, hope, and love to the people of the West End of Tacoma, University Place, and Fircrest and to help their members and families nurture their relationships with Jesus and his Church. This mission will be fully accomplished only when the Lord returns. In the meantime though, we continue to work in his vineyard tending his vines for a rich harvest.
We are grateful to all the parish and school pioneers who laid the foundation on which we build today and to you—for you have also generously shared your gifts of time, talent, and treasure.
At the same time, we want to build a strong financial future for the parish and school in order to continue Christ’s mission for generations to come.
Below are a variety of ways that you could help us through your estate plans.
Bequests—Gifts through your will or revocable trust may be directed to benefit one of (or a combination of) the following within the Archdiocese of Seattle.
You can donate a fixed amount of money, a percentage of your entire estate or a portion of the residual (that which is left after all other bequests are made). If your estate is taxable, you receive a charitable estate tax deduction for any gift you make to the parish and/or school.
The Archdiocese of Seattle (C.C.A.S.)
A specific fund (i.e., Priest Retirement, Priest Pension, and/or Seminarian Formation)
A specific parish or parishes
A specific parish school or parish schools
The Legal Name of the Archdiocese of Seattle is:
Corporation of the Catholic Archbishop of Seattle
710 9th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
Bequest of Cash
I give to the Corporation of the Catholic Archbishop of Seattle
[for the benefit of Fund Name(s) and/or Parish Name(s) and city and/or Parish School Name(s) and city]
the sum of $______________ to be used for the greatest need [or to be used for stated purpose.]
Bequest of Property
I give to the Corporation of the Catholic Archbishop of Seattle
[for the benefit of Fund Name(s) and/or Parish Name(s) and city and/or Parish School Name(s) and city]
[Description of property] to be used for the greatest need [or to be used for stated purpose.]
Bequest of the Complete (or Partial) Residue of Estate
I give to the Corporation of the Catholic Archbishop of Seattle
[for the benefit of Fund Name(s) and/or Parish Name(s) and city and/or Parish School Name(s) and city]
all [or ________% of the remainder and residue] of my estate to be used for the greatest need [or to be used for stated purpose.] To the extent that my estate has items of “income in respect of a decedent” available for distribution, those items shall be allocated first to any gifts under this Will qualifying for the federal estate and income tax charitable deductions.
Gifts from IRAs and other Retirement Plans These gifts are usually made through beneficiary designation forms that you get from the plan administrator.
The IRA Charitable Rollover became law a few years ago. It continues to be an excellent option for people over a certain age who do not need all or a portion of their IRA income, and want to benefit charities, such as your parish communities.
The following are the criteria for such a gift:
Donor must be age 70 or older
Donor may transfer up to $100,000 directly from IRA to qualified charity (such as your parish and/or school)
Gift may be made at one-time, or multiple times within a single year (as long as total does not exceed $100,000)
Gift may satisfy all or part of required minimum distribution (RMD)
Gift may be made at any time of year (though most donors choose year-end)
Gifts of Life Insurance You can donate a life insurance policy to charity or designate a portion of the death benefits to go to charity. If you donate a paid-up life insurance policy, you may be eligible for a charitable income tax deduction for a portion of your gift.
Gifts that provide you with income There are other gifts that can provide you and/or a loved one with regular income. In exchange for your gift of cash, appreciated securities or appreciated real estate, you could receive a lifetime income stream while avoiding capital gains tax on the donated asset(s).
The Next Step If you are interested in making a gift to St. Charles Borromeo parish and/or school through your estate plan, please contact our Development Director or the Archdiocesan Office of Planned Giving.
For More Information Contact
Jeanette Johnson (see information below)
The Archdiocesan Office of Planned Giving
Erin Oest-Larsen 1-206-382-4563