Every individual has the right to obtain an official certificate of their sacramental records.
Official certificates are issued only to the individual requesting their record or to the person who has a legal reason for requesting a family record (e.g., the parent of a minor child). A parent can request a sacramental certificate for their CHILD if they are UNDER 18 YEARS of age. Anyone OVER 18 YEARS of age must request the certificate themselves.
To request a sacramental record, Archdiocese policy requires:
(1) A request in writing (2) the signature of the person requesting the record (3) a copy of photo id with their signature (i.e. driver’s license or state id, military id).
The request must include:
You may mail the request to the parish office and provide the name of the parish, the address and person at the parish where it is to be sent. We will send it directly to the requesting parish.
Or you may bring in the written request in person, along with your ID if you wish to pick up the certificate in our parish office.
If you are out of the geographical area you may email the request to parishrecords@stcharlesb.org with the required information and a scanned copy of your photo ID. Please provide the address of the church it is to be mailed to and the name of the contact person at the parish requesting the certificate.
We do not send certificates electronically (fax, email) because the parish seal is not captured with these media.
If you are requesting a sacramental certificate for purposes of marriage, it must be requested no earlier than six (6) months prior to the marriage date.