Diocesan priests serve as parish pastors and priests in the diocese or archdiocese to which they belong. The Archdiocese of Seattle covers all of Western Washington from the Cascade Mountains to the Pacific Ocean.
The primary responsibility of the priest is to proclaim in word and action the story of God's great love for us in Jesus Christ. The priest is a co-worker with the bishop. Parish priests provide for the well being of a local parish by helping parishioners see, celebrate and live as Christ taught. The symbol of the priest is a stole hanging straight down both sides of the chest that the priest wears when celebrating the sacraments.
For more information or to discuss what it means to become a priest or deacon for service in the Archdiocese of Seattle, contact:
Fr. Justin Ryan
Associate Vocation Director for the Archdiocese of Seattle
In the Catholic Church there are many opportunities to serve the people of god. There are many religious orders of men and women in the Church. Some serve as missionaries to foreign lands or to un-churched parts of our own country. Others are dedicated to serving the poor or the sick.
Many religious orders provide associations of laywomen and laymen, as well.
Those interested in joining a religious community or order (e.g., Franciscan, Tacoma Dominicans, Benedictines, Maryknoll or Glenmary, etc.) as a sister, brother or priest should contact the specific religious order they are interested in or for general information:
Fr. Justin Ryan
Associate Vocation Director for the Archdiocese of Seattle
God our Father,
You call each of us
to use our gifts
in the body of Christ.
Inspire your people with desire to know you,
the grace to understand your will, and,
with the strength of the Holy Spirit,
the courage to respond with love and freedom.
Send workers into Your great harvest
so that the Gospel is preached,
the poor are served with love,
the suffering are comforted,
and Your people are strengthened
by the sacraments.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.