St. Charles Bereaved Group is for those who have had a loved one pass. If you, a family member, or a friend are in need of support, surrounding your grief journey we would like to invite you to Learning to Manage Your Grief: A small group experience. The group offers an experience for people to learn, heal, grow and move toward reconstructing their lives. What seemed impossible to handle becomes a little bit more manageable. The five sessions will be a combination of workbook, video, and sharing of common experiences in a Catholic context. Everything spoken within the group confidentially provides a safe environment for you to work through your grief. This series is offered three times a year.
The next group gathering is to be determined.
If you are interested in learning more or to register, see Tom's contact information below.
For parishioners who are experiencing profound or continual grief the parish often refers them to bereavement counselors.
"How will I get through the Holidays" is a booklet for you to prepare and plan your holiday season or any special day that is complicated by your loss.
If you would like to talk with someone about your grief journey and how we might be able to help you please contact the parish office.