Upon the death of a parishioner, the family meets with the priest or pastoral assistant in planning the funeral liturgy. During this time the initial grief work begins as we pray with the family and offer our parish support. As we want to be available to support you, we ask that in the event of a death where you would like the parish involved, you do not schedule any services with funeral homes before contacting us and arranging a day and time for the services.
Supplemental materials, such as "Understanding Grief" and "I Will Trust in God" are provided to offer understanding and comfort.
Funeral Planning Workshops or individual meetings with the Pastoral Assistant, helps parishioners of all ages make personal and family decisions about their funeral arrangements. Pre-planning allows your family to benefit from your wisdom, initiative, requests and orderliness at an extremely difficult time. Advance planning your funeral is a great gift of love that you can leave your spouse and/or children. Planning also helps you to be better acquainted with the Church’s teaching regarding the Catholic funeral rites and cemetery tradition and the Church’s teaching on burial and cremation.